Actor, Producer, Writer and Artist / “PEAK PERFORMANCE”

2014, Spring training, Boston Redsox – the first time I experienced anxiety. I hit a RBI single – slid down first base line, safe. All of a sudden my heart started racing, I had to call for help, I thought I was having a heart attack.

Something that I’ve never felt before.

They had me speak to Justin, the team mental skills coach at the time – and he broke down to me what was happening was a panic attack, anxiety. It’s coming from stress or me worrying too much or over working / over training. So we started to break down what was happening and how to manage it. And I thought I was getting a handle on it. Until my athletic career ended. I moved out to Los Angeles to pursue a career in Hollywood – but my anxiety got worse. It was terrible. I went to hospital a few times as I thought it was a heart attack – and they tell you to meditate. I tried that but it doesn’t work – still doesn’t work to this day.

I paint – and that is the way I deal with anxiety. It relieves my stress. I found my outlet. And I also have therapy – it’s been good for me too. And I talk to my friends and family too. I think the more people talk about what they’re dealing with to the people they trust, the better it can be. I had to figure out what works for you – I advise you to also find out how to manage it, in your own way, as it really helps you. The more you can deal with it, and find ways to cope with it, the better. Hope this helps someone out there!