Veterans/Service Members/First Responders

The Headstrong Project

The Headstrong Project is a non-profit mental health organization providing confidential, barrier-free, and stigma-free PTSD treatment to our veterans, service members, and family connected to their care.

Wounded Warrior Project

Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) began in 2003 as a small, grassroots effort providing simple care and comfort items to the hospital bedsides of the first wounded service members returning home from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. As their post-service needs evolved, so have our programs and services. Today, through our direct programs in mental health, career counseling, and long-term rehabilitative care, along with our advocacy efforts, we improve the lives of millions of warriors and their families.

Bob Woodruff Foundation

We ensure that our nation’s veterans, service members, and their families — those who stood for us — have stable and successful futures focused on mental health, food security, housing access and employment.

Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America

 IAVA’s mission is to connect, unite, and empower post-9/11 veterans. We offer 24/7 free and confidential assistance to any veteran who needs it, no matter the challenge.

Puppies Behind Bars

Puppies Behind Bars (PBB) trains incarcerated individuals to raise service dogs for wounded war veterans and first responders, facility dogs for police departments, and explosive-detection canines for law enforcement. Puppies enter prison at the age of 8 weeks and live with their incarcerated puppy-raisers for approximately 24 months. As the puppies mature into well-loved, well-behaved dogs, their raisers learn what it means to contribute to society rather than take from it.

Veterans Crisis Line

The Veterans Crisis Line serves Veterans, service members, National Guard and Reserve members, and those who support them. Veterans can use this new option by dialing 988 and pressing 1 to contact the Veterans Crisis Line. Veterans may still reach the Veterans Crisis Line with the previous phone number—1-800-273-8255 and Press 1—by text (838255), and through chat ( You don’t have to be enrolled in VA benefits or health care to use the Veterans Crisis Line.


Vets4Warriors, housed at the Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care National Call Center, is a one-of-a-kind, 24/7 peer support network by phone or chat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We operate completely independent of the VA and the U.S. military. Our program complements official government resources available to service members, veterans, family members and caregivers, but remains separate from them. Open to active duty, National Guard and Reserve service members, veterans, retirees, and their families/caregivers

David Lynch Foundation

The David Lynch Foundation helps to prevent and eradicate the all-pervasive epidemic of trauma and toxic stress among at-risk populations through promoting widespread implementation of the evidence-based Transcendental Meditation® (TM) program in order to improve their health, cognitive capabilities and performance in life.