Marriage & Family Therapist

Winifred Hinkel's educational and professional tapestry is rich with layers of advocacy, social justice, and psychological insight, all woven with the thread of her unyielding dedication to mental health and systemic change. Her journey commenced with a foundational Science degree in Early Childhood Development, pairing her natural compassion with a scholarly understanding of the critical early stages of human growth.

This was soon followed by an immersion into General Studies in Social and Behavioral Science, allowing Winifred to explore the vast landscape of human behavior and societal dynamics. These early academic pursuits gave her a multidimensional perspective that would inform her compassionate and holistic approach to therapy.

With a heart set on advocacy and a mind equipped with the intricacies of social systems, Winifred achieved a Bachelor's degree in Advocacy and Social Justice from Pacific Oaks College. Her focus on education within this degree highlighted her commitment to nurturing knowledge and understanding from the ground up, recognizing education as a pivotal tool for lasting social change.

Expanding her horizons further, Winifred mastered the fields of Marriage and Family Therapy and Trauma Studies through a double master's degree. This education deepened her insights into the complex interplay between interpersonal relationships and individual trauma experiences.

Her specialized focus on African-American Studies underscores Winifred's dedication to serving African-American communities with a culturally attuned perspective. She continues to weave this specialization into her current academic endeavor—a Psy.D. in Applied Clinical Psychology at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Here, she integrates her passion for therapy, trauma-informed care, and cultural competence.

In her professional role, Winifred is a beacon of transformative care at Collective Consultants, where she practices as a Marriage and Family Therapist Associate. Under the esteemed supervision of Dr. Krystal Edmonds-Biglow, Winifred is steadfast in her use of evidence-based methodologies to navigate her clients toward healing and resilience.

Winifred Hinkel's career is characterized by her thoughtful integration of academic knowledge, dynamic professional experiences, and an unwavering commitment to those she serves. Her evidence-based approach is not merely a method but a principle, reflecting her belief in the power of well-researched interventions to enact real change in individuals, families, and communities.